Cars these days come with electronic keys or key fobs. While these are super efficient when it comes to accessing your car and unlocking it from a distance, the issue is that, like all electronic items, they might stop working at some point.
Worry not, though. In most cases, the underlying reason behind its non-functioning is that it has lost its programming data or signal. The good news is that with a little bit of work, you can reprogram the key fob yourself at home. However, if things get out of hand, then instead of experimenting with the keys, you should just hire a Phoenix key fob reprogram expert right away.
Below is a step-by-step guide to reprogramming a key fob yourself at home. Let’s dig right into it.
Step 1 – Change the batteries
This is the first step that you must take. Even if the reason why the key fobs may not be working might be something other than batteries, reprogramming will be a herculean task if the batteries run out of power too.
It needs to be mentioned here that changing the batteries is a pretty simple task. The price of the batteries is also not too high to impact your monthly budget. If you are worried about the process of changing the batteries, just doing a simple search on Google or YouTube will calm your nerves down.
Step 2 – Get in the driver’s seat
Once the batteries have been changed, the next step is to enter the car, get seated in the driver’s seat and close the door. The last part is especially important because keeping the door open might hamper the reprogramming process.
Step 3 – Turn the ignition on without starting the engine
The next step is to insert the key into the ignition and switch it on. This is necessary to ensure that the electrical system of the car is on. Here, two things need to be kept in mind. First, that the ignition should not be in radio mode. Second, that the engine should not be started.
Step 4 – Press the fob key’s lock button
Once the ignition is on, you need to press the fob key’s lock button and then turn the ignition off. This process needs to be repeated thrice. At the end, the ignition should be on.
This step is one of the most crucial steps as it provides a signal to the car’s electronic controls that it is the fob key which is sending the signal and this data is saved.
Step 5 – You will hear a lock sound
As soon as the process in Step 4 is completed, a lock sound will be heard which means that the car’s doors are unlocked. This also signals that the steps till now have been completed successfully and that the car has entered the programming mode.
Once you hear the lock sound, you need to press the lock button on your fob key again. It needs to be remembered that this needs to be done within five seconds of hearing the lock sound. This ends the process of programming the remote key.
Tips to help you through the reprogramming
#1 If you want to program additional remote keys then this would be the right time as the car’s electronic system is still in the programming mode.
#2 If you do not wish to program any more keys, then make sure you turn off the ignition. This will terminate the programming process.
Testing the fob keys
A crucial aspect of the reprogramming process is testing the fob keys to check whether the reprogramming was successful. For this, you must check both the lock and unlock functionalities of the key.
If either one or both the functions do not work, then it means that the reprogramming process was not successful. You might want to try the whole process once again. But if it doesn’t work out again, then there is a possibility that the above process might not work for your car.
Final Word
It needs to be remembered that the above process is a general process which should work for most cars and their keys. However, the electronic modules may be different for some cars. In that case, one must look at the manual for answers.
Often, some additional hardware might be required in order to reprogram the fob keys. This should not be a block for you to try to reprogram the fob key. In most situations, the step by step guide detailed out here should help you out.